Facebook (Meta) Ads URL Macro Glossary

A list of all dynamic URL macros & parameters supported by Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads.

On this page you'll not only find an overview of all macros available for Meta's advertising platform, but you'll also find an explanation as to what purpose they serve. If you're unfamiliar with the topic of URL macros, this guide is a good place to start your journey to successful ad tracking via UTM parameters.



Ad IDs serve as a unique identifier of an ad, meaning that each ad has a unique ID by design.


The name of the ad at the time of its publication. If you change the name of an ad after publishing it, the ad name generated by the macro will stay unaffected and still point towards the ad name of the time of its publication. To avoid a discrepancy between your ad name and its macro, it is best to avoid unnecessary name changes after publishing an ad.


The ad set ID is the unique identifier of an ad set, meaning that each ad set has a unique ID by design.


The name of the ad set at the time of its publication. If you change the name of an ad set after publishing it, the by way of the macro dynamically generated ad set name will stay unaffected and now as before point towards the ad name of the time of its publication. To avoid a discrepancy between your ad set name and its macro, it is best to avoid unnecessary name changes after publishing an ad set.



Campaign IDs serve as a unique identifier for a campaign, meaning that each campaign has a unique ID by design.


The name of the campaign at the time of its publication. If you change the name of a campaign after publishing it, the campaign name generated by the macro will stay unaffected and still point towards the campaign name of the time of its publication. To avoid a discrepancy between your campaign name and its macro, it is best to avoid unnecessary name changes after a campaign's publication.



As the name suggests, the placement macro captures the ad placement that resulted in the click. This is how the placement options are outputted by Facebook Ads:

  • an
  • Facebook_Desktop_Feed
  • Facebook_Instant_Articles
  • Facebook_Instream_Video
  • Facebook_Marketplace
  • Facebook_Mobile_Feed
  • Facebook_Right_Column
  • Facebook_Stories
  • Instagram_Explore
  • Instagram_Explore_Grid_Home
  • Instagram_Feed
  • Instagram_Profile_Feed
  • Instagram_Reels
  • Instagram_Stories
  • Others



Captures the Meta platform the users come from. As of now, there are a total of four site sources. Facebook Ads abbreviates them as follows:

  • Audience Network: an
  • Facebook: fb
  • Facebook Messenger: msg
  • Instagram: ig

Use our free UTM paramater generator for Facebook Ads tracking!

Includes the supported URL macros - often also referred to as dynamic URL parameters - of Facebook Ads.

UTM Generator

Build taylored tracking URLs for your Facebook Ads. Includes all supported dynamic URL macros.

The companies responsible for developing the macros listed across this website may change their functionality at any time. We have no control over this and cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information regarding macros across this website.